The Spring (Vernal) equinox is approaching and the life in all things is especially active. In the southern hemisphere it is the time of the festival of Ostara which is connected to the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre. I haven’t actually seen anything like what is in the drawing going on in the garden but the effects are there, the beans have a few leaves and the sweet corn is just above the mulch.
As a result of all this my garden beds are rapidly becoming full. I planted some beetroot today after soaking the seeds overnight in a solution of epsom salts, this helps the germination no end, according to those who know such things:
This is a nice creeper hanging down over a wall, when it covers all the wall it will be quite colourful when there is a full cover |
These are a couple of Shirley roses taken from cuttings at Hely’s a few years ago. I was wondering where to put them and noticed a big blank spot on the back wall of the house so I will train them across the bricks.
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