Just after I planted the first seeds in the new vege gardens there has ben very heavy rain, the timing is perfect. I planted two varieties of beans, silver beet and red pac choy in one bed and two rows of sweet corn in the other, the variety is called ‘honey cream’ I can’t wait to sink my teeth into the cobs. Sweet corn is fantastic when eaten raw within ten minutes of picking, before the sugars turn into starches.

See the name tags? Just after I placed them at the end of the rows, the two singing magpies, Pavarotti and Caruso arrived and decided that the tags shouldn’t be there and pulled them all out.
The front of the house looks bright with the petunias and erigeron in full flower:

The front driveway looks like a stony desert so I decided to add some life and color by planting some flowering shrubs. A visit to the nursery provided the necessary plants and I dug eight holes thru the hard road-base. It took a crowbar and lots of work but in the end I had an arc of five Callistemon var. Captain Cook bottle brushes planted. They will produce an abundance of bright red bottle brushes in the spring and summer. I need three shrubs to plant behind them to provide color in the autumn and winter.
It sure looks hard and dry.

On the southern side of the house the clivea are in full flower, they really like the spot along the rock wall: