Saturday, February 12, 2011

After weeks of rain

Rain, floods and humid weather, not a good combination for a garden. I returned yesterday after a few weeks away and how the weds have grown! The carrots have not done much neither have the beetroot, they sure don’t like all that water. Here are some of the weeds:

I am pulling out everything that is not performing well as a result of the rain and will prepare the soil for autumn planting.

Dinner last night was carrots, potatoes, beans and beetroot with a drizzle of olive oil and a small sprinkle of sea salt – delicious.

The next crop of sweet corn is looking good, it has tolerated the wet wether very well. I gave it a heavy top dressing of blood and bone to help it along. In a few weeks the cobs will be ready to pick.

The days are still hot and humid but the nights are getting cooler, last night an extra blanket was almost need.

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