Friday, October 22, 2010

A pleasant morning of serendipity.

There is a noticeable silence among the trees, it comes after a long period of rain. nature is waiting. There as about one hour of sun this morning, enough to really get me moving and into the garden.

Arriving at the garden shed I was ready to spread a bale of organic sugar cane mulch when a neighbour, Kay called out and said that there was circle dancing on. That was the end of the work as I spent about an hour relearning the dances I had not done for ten years or more.

The thought process tried to remember the steps but when I stopped doing that, the memory re-emerged and the dance in me flowed.

On the way back I ran into Barry, another neighbour and we had an interesting conversation about some of the teachings of the Buddha. What a pleasant morning, this is what a real tree change is all about – a big dose of serendipity (Serendipity: The faculty of making happy discoveries by accident).

After that busy morning I had lunch and then ventured into the vege garden. The tomatoes had doubled in size since I as last here but the carrots, spring onions and beetroot are still small. The English spinach didn’t germinate well so I will replace it with silver beet.

The daytime temperatures have been around 15 degrees and down to ten degrees at night time so until the average soil temperature gets to twenty degrees, there will not be much movement from the plants.

The tomatoes with some powdered rock:

Tomatoes + Basil

The sweet corn is coming along although the cool, wet weather has slowed it down somewhat. I spread some organic sugar cane mulch around it with a dressing of dynamic lifter. I can’t wait to stat eating the cobs.

Here is a picture of the garden shed, it is a good size although it needs a bench inside:

Garden Shed

So ends another day in Charlie’s garden.

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