Sunday, August 28, 2011

Spring Energy

After a cold snap spring has returned again, the sun is in the ninth house and the twin magpies are singing to me every day in the garden.

After removing out some old shrubs at the front I have planted five Polygala which will grow to about two meters and have pea like flowers all year round.


At the front door the Cyclamen is very happy, last year it had eighteen blooms and this year it has twenty seven.

There are some Clivea at the southern fence and they have sprung into bloom in spite of the pruning during the winter. I have used a photo as the desktop on my computer.

In the proto-vege-garden department the third bed is now ready and the tomato seeds in punnets have just sprouted this morning. All I need now is some mesh to fence out the scrub turkeys and the garden is ready and growing. I will be using the biological/organic/biodynamic systems so the produce will taste great.

I have been getting my veges from the Green Shed on Sunday mornings, it is a very vibrant place where the local growers bring their organic produce for sale. It is an ideal situation where I know who the farmer is and I can even talk to them If needed.

Betty’s bromeliads are looking good in pots, one was a bit doubtful after the move but is now more alive.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Spring is early this year the nights are still cold at this altitude but the days are very nice. I started another garden bed in the back yard all I need now is some rain and I will apply the biodynamic preparation. I can almost taste the tomatoes.

The snowdrops in the pot are up and have a couple of flowers and so are the daffodils near the back door:


Some nice colour:

Friday, August 5, 2011

Good Soil Appears From Clay

It is like the fairies have been working at night, I started shaking the soil out of the grass I turned over and here is this beautiful friable soil where only a couple of weeks ago was hard clay. Then again it could be the action of the gypsum doing what it does best.

Good soil

The avian inspection party checks out the improved soil.

Next I need a fence around it to keep the scrub turkeys out. I have read that if the soil is in tip top condition biologically then the turkeys don’t come. I will certainly try this and see. There has been no rain since starting.